Sometimes we may not have the privilege of doing only the things we love. There will be boring tasks in which we do not enjoy and we will have to pull through in order for us to achieve a bigger goal. How then, do we love what we do?
In this course, find out how to love what you do and create the fascination that allows you to have more magic in your day.
Presented in a unique way, these are strategies which are not found off the internet but are based on over 20 years of coaching clients. These tips, strategies and tactics are developed and used by Kelvin Lim, Founder of Executive Coach International.
The methods taught in this course have been proven to help thousands of our clients over the past decade achieve greater career satisfaction and advancement in their careers.
Is this course for me?
This course is for people who are starting out in your career and looking for direction, or looking for a mid-career switch. It is for you, if you:
- Have found what you wanted to do, but struggling to find connection to the parts that you do not like
- Are stuck in your job and want to find ways of making your job more interesting
- Want to find ways to make the mundane more interesting
What are the benefits from taking this course?
This course will help you learn:
- Strategies in creating interest in what you find mundane
- How to optimize your effectiveness
- How to appreciate the process in what you do
- How to connect what you do to what matters to you
What's in the course?
- Proven strategies, tips and tactics to help you love what you do
- 9 lectures — 55 minutes of video clips
- 3 worksheets for you to take away and apply what you learnt
Your Instructor

If life is an adventure, evolution is the catalyst for that adventure and is a necessity for one to begin to understand all layers of their own journey. Living life is not just about accessing seasonal opportunities but also about getting ready such that you can receive opportunities when the time comes.
Having an early start on personal development when I was only 18, I have focused my efforts in championing coaching, humanitarian campaigns and business innovation. I received my certification as a Master Certified Coach in 2005, becoming the 1st person in South-East Asia to receive the highest possible certification in the field of Professional Coaching. I seek my most authentic learning experience from great teachers around the world. I have worked with Thomas Leonard (Founder of Coach University, Corporate Coach University, Coachville, Graduate School of Coaching and initiated the founding of the International Coach Federation) as a pioneer Mentor Coach researching Advanced Coaching Technologies. I studied with Arnold Mindell (Founder of Process Oriented Psychology) in Process Oriented Psychology and Conflict Resolution. I am also one of the original seven Guerilla Marketing Master Trainers with the late Jay Conrad Levinson.
Throughout the years, my work has touched and transformed over 5,000 individuals directly and 15,000 indirectly from Europe, China, and many other South-East Asian countries. Additionally, I have been featured on various media such as Channel News Asia (CNA) and News 93.8 Live.
Frequently Asked Questions
About Executive Coach International:
Executive Coach International (ECI) is one of the largest and most successful professional coaching organizations in Singapore and the region that focuses on transforming human potential into tangible, lasting results.
We are based locally and recognized internationally. Our team of over 20 coaches makes us the largest organization of certified coaches in the region, who are all trained and certified in accordance with international standards for coaching. The tools and techniques we employ have proven effective with our clients, who come from Singapore and beyond: China, India, Vietnam, Japan, Malaysia, Germany, France, Slovakia, Maldives, Seychelles, Belgium, the United States, and the United Kingdom. We have also taken our coaching programs overseas to Slovakia and various major cities in China.
Our organization isn’t just about business. We are also on a global social mission: to make our world better for all of us. Having witnessed the power of coaching, we empower people to evolve themselves, and in turn, empower their loved ones to evolve too. We engineer solutions with our clients to solve their relational issues, so that our clients can create sustaining relationships with whomever they come into contact with.